What Can Make A Prenuptial Agreement Unenforceable

Prenuptial agreements, often referred to as “prenups,” serve as a proactive measure for couples looking to define the terms of asset division and financial responsibilities before entering into marriage. These agreements are particularly significant in Maryland, where marital law acknowledges their potential to provide clarity and fairness for both parties, should the marriage dissolve. The…

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Why An Uncontested Divorce Is Usually Better For Everyone

An uncontested divorce refers to the dissolution of a marriage where both spouses mutually agree on all key issues without needing court intervention. This includes property division, child custody, visitation, child support, and alimony. Unlike contested divorces, which often involve lengthy court battles and adversarial proceedings, uncontested divorces aim to streamline the process and minimize…

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Frequently Asked Questions on Divorce in Maryland

Divorce can be a difficult and complicated legal process, and understanding the laws and procedures involved is essential for those going through it. Like every state, Maryland has its own set of rules governing divorce. Here, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about divorce in Maryland to provide clarity and guidance for individuals navigating this…

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Are There Differences In LGBTQ Divorce In Maryland?

The landscape of divorce law in Maryland, as in many states, has evolved significantly in recent years, particularly in relation to LGBTQ couples following the legalization of same-sex marriage. This article explores whether there are differences in how the Maryland legal system handles divorce cases for LGBTQ couples compared to heterosexual couples, delving into various…

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How To Prove Intentional Dissipation Of Assets

In Maryland, the process of divorce often involves the complex task of equitably dividing marital assets. A significant complication arises when one spouse is suspected of intentionally dissipating or squandering marital assets. This guide will discuss the legal framework surrounding the intentional dissipation of assets in Maryland divorce cases. We discuss the legal definitions, methodologies…

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Is Alimony Always Awarded In Maryland?

Alimony, or spousal support, is a substantial element of divorce proceedings in Maryland. Alimony, a financial provision made by one spouse to the other following a separation or divorce, plays a crucial role in the financial dynamics of post-marriage arrangements. This blog post will discuss the legal framework that governs alimony within Maryland, drawing upon…

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